Be the Light!

Triggers are an Invitation

Triggers are an Invitation

Jan 19, 2023

Before I embarked on this journey of stepping up, I had no idea just how much my emotional life was held hostage. What do I mean by this? I was held hostage by aspects of myself which were ready to be seen – remember the Hall of Mirrors?  – but which I myself really did not want to. If those issues came up, in whatever context, I turned into either...

The Importance of Discernment

The Importance of Discernment

Jan 5, 2023

Now that I’ve touched on the topic of starting to actively work with projections (aka The Hall of Mirrors) with the goal of owning and thus defusing those projections, I want to now mention a skill set which is vital to starting and truly mastering this type of work. Fortunately, it’s a topic that once again I’m thrilled to hear being echoed...