Welcome to Stepping Up To Your Potential – a podcast dedicated to personal growth and development through self-awareness and emotional intelligence! I am SO happy you’re here. See, I believe that humans are loaded with nearly limitless potential — but too often we settle for average. YOU ARE NOT AVERAGE! After all, you’re here and you got here because the idea of actually expressing even a small amount more of the vast potential that is you is one that appeals. So live boldly and step up with me! I’ll admit I haven’t figured everything out quite yet, after all life is a journey rather than a destination, but constantly finding ways to express and expand the potential that I was born with is one of the most profoundly spiritual things I can imagine. Whether your goal is to earn more on the job, create greater success for your business, or embrace all those things you’ve wanted to do but were hesitant to, I welcome you! There are several ways you can keep updated with new insights, challenges and encouragements:
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Spotting Fears In Action
In the last post I touched on a truth that everyone has to face – stepping up means stepping out of your Comfort Zone. The moment we step outside of the Comfort Zone, it’s like some primal part of the brain kicks in and begins to wave around red flags. I’m picturing Robot from ‘Lost in Space’ shouting “Danger, Will Robinson”. It’s great that we have an inbuilt alarm system like this. I mean, we as a species wouldn’t be where we are without it. But it can also keep us from reaching our...
read moreBecoming Your Best Financial Ally
It’s often said that we spend our money on what we value. Early in my quest for financial literacy, I was advised to assess my value system and then align my spending accordingly. Sounds good… Story Time Trying to follow the advice of aligning my values with my spending, I sat down and created a list of my values. Then I created a budget which fell in line with those values. The problem quickly arose that this just flat did not work. Let me make this concrete for you. I’m not a foodie. I don’t really care about food,...
read more6 Steps to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is an insecurity which lives in fear of being discovered as a fraud. For many, it keeps us from stepping beyond the comfort zone. It can be managed with awareness and this limitation therefore overcome. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, and more. Like what you hear? Share it and leave us a review. It means a lot! When it came to stepping up into my own potential, I’ve encountered road blocks that I know are fairly wide spread. Common enough, in fact, to...
read moreFinancial Friday Introduction
To hear this post instead of reading it, jump to the bottom and listen to the embedded audio file. There is a little corner of this blog/podcast that I’m reserving for the financial realm. I call it Financial Friday, and I’m pretty sure you can guess on what day I plan to schedule releases. For this inaugural foray into this category, I’ll lay the foundation for where I’m coming from and why I will say the things I do. Story Time When it comes to money, I’ve made pretty much every single mistake you can possibly...
read moreBook Review: Your Money or Your Life
[originally published but unindexed on Jul. 26th, 2005|02:50 pm] Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin If you’re looking for a “get rich quick” or a no-effort-brainless solution to finances, look elsewhere. This is not a quick process, nor is it for those folks who are averse to actually THINKING and DOING. This approach demands self-reflection, brutal honesty, and a willingness to become aware of what you are doing, when you...
read moreIntroduction To Stepping Up
This blog/podcast will focus on the tools I’ve found useful for overcoming self-doubt and aims to lead by example so that you are inspired to further your own journey into personal growth. Ultimately, actions will do far more to help overcome internal negativity than anything else but there are more tools in the tool belt to be explored. It’s a hard and gritty journey, but worth it. If you’re ready, join me. Step up with me. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, and more. Like...
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