Be the Light!

AI and Ego Constraining Potentials

AI and Ego Constraining Potentials

Jan 29, 2025

There’s a buzz around something new and game-changing: AI — artificial intelligence, or as some have called it, algorithmic insight. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself reflecting deeply on why AI has come into the mainstream now, of all times. After decades of gradual development, it has seemingly suddenly exploded into general use and I had to wonder...

My Ayahuasca Journey

My Ayahuasca Journey

Jan 22, 2025

In February 2024, I finally embarked on an ayahuasca journey. I had spent months researching to find a safe, experienced facilitator and a supportive group environment. My intention was clear: to heal ancestral trauma I might have overlooked. In preparation, I adhered to the traditional diet and practices, ensuring my intentions were clear and focused. To...

Stepping Up Means…

Stepping Up Means…

Jan 14, 2025

My journey into the spirituality space began at the intersection of self-help and spiritual discovery, driven by a lifelong pursuit of self-realization. It began in 4th grade when my grandmother gifted me a diary, sparking my habit of journaling that continues to this day. By 6th grade, I was recording dreams, and in 10th grade, I began exploring astrology—both...

Self-Awareness requires Courage

Self-Awareness requires Courage

Jun 22, 2023

True emotional awareness takes courage. I mean, real courage. There is a huge movement out there aimed at becoming conscious, and I was a part of it for many years. Unfortunately, I never really got anywhere with it. I am going to go out on major limb here by confessing that I was frustrated by platitudes and positive affirmations. They just didn’t help...

A Closer Look at Fear

A Closer Look at Fear

May 24, 2023

I’d like to talk today about Fear. While it’s both a blessing and curse, being aware of how it can physiologically affect each of us is important to understand. Fear is a basic, root level, hard wired emotion with the sole objective of survival. Fear is always linked to ideas of survival, however obfuscated the linkages may be. When in a situation...

Emotions are our Allies

Emotions are our Allies

Mar 28, 2023

When I was in college, Star Trek: Next Generation was out. I loved the concept of Data, a humanistic android with no emotions though he strove to understand them. Boy were there times when I wished I had no emotions! See, emotional awareness was not something I grew up with, at all – something I’d wager was pretty much the norm for most...