Welcome to Stepping Up To Your Potential – a podcast dedicated to personal growth and development through self-awareness and emotional intelligence! I am SO happy you’re here. See, I believe that humans are loaded with nearly limitless potential — but too often we settle for average. YOU ARE NOT AVERAGE! After all, you’re here and you got here because the idea of actually expressing even a small amount more of the vast potential that is you is one that appeals. So live boldly and step up with me! I’ll admit I haven’t figured everything out quite yet, after all life is a journey rather than a destination, but constantly finding ways to express and expand the potential that I was born with is one of the most profoundly spiritual things I can imagine. Whether your goal is to earn more on the job, create greater success for your business, or embrace all those things you’ve wanted to do but were hesitant to, I welcome you! There are several ways you can keep updated with new insights, challenges and encouragements:
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Triggers are an Invitation
Before I embarked on this journey of stepping up, I had no idea just how much my emotional life was held hostage. What do I mean by this? I was held hostage by aspects of myself which were ready to be seen – remember the Hall of Mirrors? – but which I myself really did not want to. If those issues came up, in whatever context, I turned into either a rage monster or I simply ran away from the situation. That’s one thing I can say that the modern victim culture has really done – it’s made trigger awareness...
read moreThe Importance of Discernment
Now that I’ve touched on the topic of starting to actively work with projections (aka The Hall of Mirrors) with the goal of owning and thus defusing those projections, I want to now mention a skill set which is vital to starting and truly mastering this type of work. Fortunately, it’s a topic that once again I’m thrilled to hear being echoed by many of the high quality spirituality and personal growth teachers – though it is by no means limited to that sphere. That skill is Discernment. What exactly is discernment?...
read moreWelcome to the Hall of Mirrors
The quest for Stepping Up to our Potential has many paths. The one I prefer centers around challenging myself to bring the full power of me to the table. This means facing fears, recognizing what’s really valuable about myself, having the courage to work through self-doubts, and being brave enough to confront and defuse triggers (upcoming). Wherever I aim to stepping up – however I choose to do it – I am stepping out of where I have been. This means covering new territory, and with new territory comes the opportunity for...
read moreEmpowerment
The Setup There’s been a theme through my life, and that is ’empowerment.’ Everything I do for myself and for others is aiming at the goal of genuine empowerment. Indeed, I have come to see that the epitome of spiritual practice is fostering empowerment – in yourself and in others. Why? Because when we sit within our true power, only then are we free to actually pursue our purpose (or purposes, because yes, there can be more than one!). Let me restate this – when our ego (which is the part of us that navigates...
read moreSecrets and Mysteries
Hello beautiful people! I’m still working on the post that I originally planned to do, but this topic right here is one that has been on my mind. Rather than being pedantic and going in the order that I originally set up so long ago, I’m going to start addressing things as I’m inspired to. The Setup Have you ever heard of Secret Societies and Mystery Schools? Probably, but if I were to ask you what is the difference – could you answer? Succinctly? For this chat, I’m going to focus on the adjectives in those terms – Secret and...
read moreSelf-Sabotage … Isn’t
Self-Sabotage … Isn’t Self-Sabotage is something I am extremely familiar with, and something I battle with greater and lesser success seemingly daily. If you’ve ever had issues with this destructive pattern, I’m sharing what I’ve learned on how to uncover the root causes and then share some ideas on what to do once all of that is known. To start with, think about a time when you realized that you had sabotaged a conscious desire. I’ll give you a second to bring to mind an example. … Got it? Alright....
read moreRelaunch Introductions – A slight course correction
I’ve been absent from this podcast for a few years now. In that time, as with most of the world, a lot has happened. In that time, I realized that while I very much wanted to continue the podcast I couldn’t do it in the same way. The concept of stepping up to the potential that I, you, we all have is something that I absolutely believe in. But why am I working to step up? That’s where I realized I have to be completely honest here. Let’s consider this a re-introduction, a re-launch of Stepping Up to Your Potential...
read moreIdentity: Our Biggest Liability
Did you know that “I am” is identity language? That simple statements such as “I am so stupid” get picked up by our core selves and treated as if absolutely true? Learn ways which Identity is an unintentional liability, how to make it a powerful asset instead. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, and more. Like what you hear? Share it and leave a review. It means a lot and I’d really appreciate your support!! This post is a continuation of the ideas started in...
read moreIdentity: Our Greatest Asset
Identity is a multi-faceted, core concept for Who We Are, What Is Acceptable, What Has Value, and much more. Are you aware of all your identities? Learn more about how to use them actively and consciously to help achieve your goals. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, and more. Like what you hear? Share it and leave us a review. It means a lot! There is one quality that we all possess which is both our greatest asset and our biggest liability. Often times, it’s both at the...
read moreVoice as a Window into Self
Our voice can tell us so much about ourselves, but for the most part we are wholly unaware of it. Do you want to sound more confident? Be a better presenter? Learning to master the voice is a powerful tool! Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, and more. Like what you hear? Share it and leave us a review. It means a lot! For the last few years, I’ve been working on gaining understanding and control of my voice – everything from singing lessons to volunteer reading. Until I took Tracy...
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