Be the Light!

AI and Ego Constraining Potentials

AI and Ego Constraining Potentials

Jan 29, 2025

There’s a buzz around something new and game-changing: AI — artificial intelligence, or as some have called it, algorithmic insight. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself reflecting deeply on why AI has come into the mainstream now, of all times. After decades of gradual development, it has seemingly suddenly exploded into general use and I had to wonder...

A Closer Look at Fear

A Closer Look at Fear

May 24, 2023

I’d like to talk today about Fear. While it’s both a blessing and curse, being aware of how it can physiologically affect each of us is important to understand. Fear is a basic, root level, hard wired emotion with the sole objective of survival. Fear is always linked to ideas of survival, however obfuscated the linkages may be. When in a situation...

Triggers are an Invitation

Triggers are an Invitation

Jan 19, 2023

Before I embarked on this journey of stepping up, I had no idea just how much my emotional life was held hostage. What do I mean by this? I was held hostage by aspects of myself which were ready to be seen – remember the Hall of Mirrors?  – but which I myself really did not want to. If those issues came up, in whatever context, I turned into either...

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors

Dec 14, 2022

The quest for Stepping Up to our Potential has many paths. The one I prefer centers around challenging myself to bring the full power of me to the table. This means facing fears, recognizing what’s really valuable about myself, having the courage to work through self-doubts, and being brave enough to confront and defuse triggers (upcoming). Wherever I aim...

Relaunch Introductions – A slight course correction

Relaunch Introductions – A slight course correction

Feb 26, 2022

I’ve been absent from this podcast for a few years now. In that time, as with most of the world, a lot has happened. In that time, I realized that while I very much wanted to continue the podcast I couldn’t do it in the same way. The concept of stepping up to the potential that I, you, we all have is something that I absolutely believe in. But why...

Identity: Our Biggest Liability

Identity: Our Biggest Liability

Jul 13, 2019

Did you know that “I am” is identity language? That simple statements such as “I am so stupid” get picked up by our core selves and treated as if absolutely true? Learn ways which Identity is an unintentional liability, how to make it a powerful asset instead.   Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher,...